Monday, May 2, 2011

Beach Day

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Created with PhotoShake iPad


Created with PhotoShake iPad

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Noelle

Our sweet & hilarious girl turned 5 this week!!!!! (How did my baby get so old?) Here are a few fun facts about our girl:
Favorite color: purple & pink
Favorite food: Chinese
Nicknames: Noellie, Wellie, Well
Favorite playtime: Dollies!
Favorite place to go: The mall (I had to laugh at this...recently she asked me if i got her shoes which were Converse at Macy's, i said no and she said she thought they were from Macy's because of the star! lol.)
Noelle is a hoot!! Some of my favorite things she has said are:
"I wish I could make a snowman but we don't have any carrots. Well, we could get carrots but we don't have any snow".
During a tickle fest with Daddy, she said, "If you tickle me again, I will call the police! I'll push 9 and then the police!"
In response to her friend admiring her toy, she said, "you have to ask your mom for one everyday then maybe you'll get one for Christmas"...
She writes "I (heart) mom" on everything, which of course i love!
This girl is ALIVE!!! She loves to play, and she loves to go to the beach and look at all of God's creations!! She is such a joy to be around, ALWAYS ALWAYS dancing!!! Even in her walking, she has a dance in her step! I say she is sweet & spicy; small and mighty!
Thank you Lord for my Noelle, I pray that you will save her at an early age and that she will love you all of her days & live her life for you!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Substitutionary Atonement for Kids

I really wanted to repost from a blog that the Pastors from my church keep. The blog is called Christocentric (from An excellent Pastor (my hubby) wrote the following blog a few weeks back and everytime I read it, I'm overcome with gratefulness...Enjoy and be encouraged!

Substitutionary Atonement for kids
September 20, 2010

Recently I had the opportunity to teach one of my children about substitutionary atonement. As is the case for any parent who loves their children, I found myself in the position of needing to hand out some discipline. On this particular occasion the sin was of the nature that not only required the withholding of blessings (no treats) but also needed to be preceded with a swat. The parties that were sinned against had been talked to and reconciliation had been achieved. It was time for the dreaded walk into the bedroom. As I explained what was about to happen I also explained that God punishes every sin. I explained that I had to do what was right and give a discipline in the form of a swat. With an understanding head nod, my child laid across my lap, eyes closed and teeth clinched, waiting for the pending punishment to be delivered. Swinging with more power and force than normal, I connected with my own hand that was covering my child’s bottom. “You hit your own hand!” Pleased but confused was the response. Putting my child on my lap we took a look at the welt that was now rising on my hand. I immediately thought of Isaiah 53:5 “But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.”

With tears streaming down both of our faces I explained that Jesus takes our punishment upon Himself. The punishment that we should have received because of our sin.

I explained that I wouldn’t always take the punishment, but this time I wanted to show that God loves us so much that even when we were sinners Christ took our punishment on the cross. Kind of like Daddy taking the swat that you deserved.

As my child rubbed my welted hand in consolation, I knew that on some level the lesson made sense.

It was a good bonding time for us and turned into a wonderful time for me to worship at the foot of the cross once again as I thanked My God for taking upon His body the wages of my sin and the wonderful healing that comes from trusting in His shed blood for me.

2 Corinthians 5:21 (ESV) For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.



Saturday, October 16, 2010

Busy, busy!

Our days have been full! I figured i'd update with some recent pictures at least, for now. :) hugs!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New School Year

New school year pictures! These kids are great fun!! This year we will be learning about History, Geography, Math and Science! We will also practice Spelling, Writing and Reading!! Art, Cooking and Bible are three of my favorites that we'll do too!! I am excited!! I have 2 out of 3 kids excited too!!! (I'm still figuring out how to inspire the other kiddo)...